De-intercalation of the intercalated potassium in the preparation of activated
carbons by KOH activation
Wenwen Wang, Shaoping Xu, Kechao Wang, Jia Liang, Wei Zhang
Abstract:In this study, the potassium formed during the activation of petroleum coke with KOH as activation agent was quantified, and three de-intercalation reagents (acetic acid, water vapor, methanol) with different flow and at different temperature were used to de-intercalate the potassium. It is suggested that the activation process yields almost the same amount potassium in the free state as that in the potassium-graphite intercalation compounds. The results also indicated that the introduction of acetic acid (250 oC, 0.4ml/min), water vapor (200 oC, 0.4ml/min), methanol (150 oC, 0.4ml/min) could furthest improve the porosity and decrease the microcrystalline size as well as increase graphite layer spacing d002. Moreover, the de-intercalation reagents could accelerate the formation of oxygen-containing groups on the surface of the activated carbons. Based on these results, the de-intercalation mechanism has been proposed.
Keywords:Activated carbon;Potassium;De-intercalation; Pore structure;Surface properties