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王雯雯等题为 De-intercalation of the intercalated potassium in the preparation of activated carbons by KOH activation 的文章被 Fuel Processing Technology 接收发表
2019-03-11 14:18  

De-intercalation of the intercalated potassium in the preparation of activated

 carbons by KOH activation

Wenwen Wang, Shaoping Xu, Kechao Wang, Jia Liang, Wei Zhang

AbstractIn this study, the potassium formed during the activation of petroleum coke with KOH as activation agent was quantified, and three de-intercalation reagents (acetic acid, water vapor, methanol) with different flow and at different temperature were used to de-intercalate the potassium. It is suggested that the activation process yields almost the same amount potassium in the free state as that in the potassium-graphite intercalation compounds. The results also indicated that the introduction of acetic acid (250 oC, 0.4ml/min), water vapor (200 oC, 0.4ml/min), methanol (150 oC, 0.4ml/min) could furthest improve the porosity and decrease the microcrystalline size as well as increase graphite layer spacing d002. Moreover, the de-intercalation reagents could accelerate the formation of oxygen-containing groups on the surface of the activated carbons. Based on these results, the de-intercalation mechanism has been proposed.

KeywordsActivated carbonPotassiumDe-intercalation; Pore structureSurface properties




大连理工大学生物质与煤热化学转化实验室  地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学西部校区化工实验楼C325

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