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Group meeting 2021.01.13
2021-01-12 11:23  


  1. 冯艳春-实验工作及问题总结。

  2. 崔朋-中期答辩及实验工作。

  3. 刘锐-评议论文讲解。

This week’s group meeting will be held at 2:00 pm on January 13 2020 (Wednesday)in C420. Students who have not returned to school use the Tencent meeting to participate.

The content of the group meeting is as follows:

  1. Feng Yanchun-Summary of experimental work and problems.  

  2. Cui Peng-mid-term defense and experimental work.  

  3. Liu Rui-Introduction to thesis review.


大连理工大学生物质与煤热化学转化实验室  地址:辽宁省大连市甘井子区凌工路2号 大连理工大学西部校区化工实验楼C325

邮编:116024      电话:13500797040     邮箱:spxu@dlut.edu.cn